This plugin sends tweets based on various minecraft server events such as server start/stop, players logging in and out, players dying, placing blocks, going fishing, taming animals, teleporting or entering vehicles. Requires a Twitter account with this application registered with it.
Full details and source hosted on github
Setup outline
1. Connecting this plugin to Twitter
2. Place the plugin in the plugin folder of your Minecraft server and restart it. Edit the config.yml file generated in the mineTwit subfolder. Change TWITTER_CONFIGURED: to true and enter your values for API_KEY, API_SECRET, token and secret from the step 1 above.
3. Enter console command updateMineTwitConfig to load the revised settings and events should now tweet.
Configuration commands
updateMineTwitConfig, loads a revised configuration file.
listNotification, gives a list of all current settings (see below for options).
setNotification [Notification name] [Status], switches notifications on or off for the following
Example usage
setNotification blockPlacing true, switches on notifications for blockPlacing events
setNotification fishing false, switches off notifications for fishing events
The above are all set to true by default except blockPlacing and duplicate (prevents an identical tweet being sent by a repeated event such as placing the same type of block or constantly fishing) as Trwitter update limits can quickly be reached with these switched on whilst building. Plugin will stop tweeting in these cases until the time limit resets (usually 15 minutes).