MineWeb: Points

MineWeb: Points


What is "Points" for MineWeb CMS

Points is a little plugin connecting to your CMS website trough the website database. It make possible to the server owner and the player to manage their shop points from the website and also to send shop points to their friend directly in game without having to log on the website.



  • Adding points to a player by a command to the website (/points add)
  • Removing points from a player by a command to the website (/points remove)
  • Setting the points of a player by a command to the website (/points set)
  • MySQL connection with the website database (config.yml file)
  • Allow the players to check their points in game (/points check)
  • Allow the players to send their points to their friend (/points send)

How to install

Before installation make sure you have installed the Shop plugin for your website and make sure you have the plugin "vault" and "mineweb_bridge" installed properly on your server.

  • Download the latest version of the plugin for your server version
  • Place the downloaded .jar file in your server plugin folder
  • Start your server and stop it
  • Go in the "plugins/points" folder and open "config.yml"
  • Configure you website database in the config file
  • Start the server
  • Enjoy !


  • points.remove (/points remove <player> <amount>)
  • points.add (/points add <player> <amount>)
  • points.set (/points set <player> <amount>)

Servers using this plugin


  • Thanks to nivcoo by providing me the database connection class.


  • There is a "chest.yml" file, it will be for a next feature that will come soon...
  • The plugin is actually hardcoded in french, if anyone want to have the plugin in an other language, feel free to contact me by pm.