Do you have multiple minigame plugins installed on your server and each of them has its own command for leaving the game? With this plugin you can leave them all just by typing /leave.
Leave different minigames and different arenas with just one single command: /leave
Create WorldGuard regions around your arenas and game lobbies (if you have not done already) where you want to use the /leave command. Then enter the region and type: /ml [regionID] <command normally used to leave the arena>
For example: SurvivalGames-Arena with a region named "sg-1" and the command "/sg leave" to leave SG:
- /ml sg leave
If you stand in several regions you have to specify the region:
- /ml sg-1 sg leave
You can set a default command in the config file wich will be performed if no leave-command is set.
- /leave
- /quit
- /exit
- /ml [region] <command>
- ml.admin
This plugin requires WorldGuard and WGCustomFlags Drop MinigameLeave.jar in your plugins folder and install the required Plugins.
- WorldGuardCustomFlags: (Must be the latest beta version) Download here
If you like this plugin and want to support me, then feel free to donate. :) Just press the "Donate"-button in the top right corner or click here.
Thank you bro! :)
Found any bugs? Please report them here, so I can try to fix them :)
Data collection: This plugin uses Hidendra's plugin metrics system. The following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- Plugin's version
- Server's version
- OS version/name and architecture
- core count for the CPU
- number of players online
- Metrics version
You can disable Metrics in the config file.