Mob Spawn Control

Mob Spawn Control


Mob Spawn Control Banner

Mob Spawn Control allows you to take control of the XP grinders (experience grinders, mob farms) on your server. Our server had a problem with XP grinders bringing the server to its knees. I created this plugin to limit the number of monsters (mobs) that could pop out of a given spawner. Once the spawner is maxed it will prevent further monster spawns until a monster is killed. Once the monster is killed it is decremented from the list. Basically the plugin keeps track of active/alive monsters attached to a spawner.

Feature List

  • Limit monsters spawned from a single spawner
  • Report on top spawners currently on the server
  • Assigns spawner to a player in the report
  • Teleport to a given spawner for investigation
  • In-game debugging option
  • In-game enable/disable option
  • In-game stat reset
  • In-game configuration reload

Why Should I use MSC?

There are many different plugins that handle mob spawners. I've reviewed each of them and they all have their advantages. Rather than tell you "MSC is the best" I will give you a break-down of the problem each plugin resolves. I fully support the other plugins in the community which is why I've linked them below. You decide which is best for your scenario.

My thoughts on other Mob Spawner control plugins can be found HERE.


All commands can be accessed by typing /msc or /mobspawncontrol followed by the following subcommands:

  • HELP = shows the help menu
  • STATS = shows the current spawner stats
  • TP = teleports to a given spawner in the stats report
  • RESETSTATS = reset all current stats on the server
  • DEBUG = enabled debugging mode in the console (Lots of spam here!)
  • RELOAD = reload the config from disk
  • TOGGLE = toggles the plugin on and off in real time


  • msc.*: Gives access to all MobSpawnControl features
  • msc.command: Allows player access to MSC commands
  • msc.stats: Allows players access to STATS command
  • Allows players access to TP command
  • msc.resetstats: Allows players access to RESETSTATS command
  • msc.debug: Enables MSC debugging
  • msc.reload: Reloads config from disk
  • msc.toggle: Toggles the plugin on and off in real time

Config Options

  • spawnsAllowed:
  • reportSize:
  • pluginEnable:
  • debug:
  • oneTimeUse:
  • warnThreshold:
  • alertThreshold:
  • spawnerRadiusX:
  • spawnerRadiusY:
  • spawnerRadiusZ:
  • playerDistance:

Detailed config descriptions can be found HERE.


Source can be found HERE.


MSC Stats report

MSC Help Menu

MSC Debugging in Console