Version: 1.4.0a
Stage: Development
Download Latest Dev Build.
The only way right now to upgrade is to delete the Mobifier plugin folder.
- Versions BEFORE 1.4.0a | Need to be upgraded if using version 1.4.0a
- Versions BEFORE 1.1.9a | Need to be upgraded if using version 1.1.9a
- Versions BEFORE 1.1.0a | Need to be upgraded if using version 1.1.0a
- Versions BEFORE 1.0.4a | Need to be upgraded if using version 1.0.4a
this plugin is in its "Development Stage" still. So acknowledge that this plugin is not finished. You can still use the plugin though to help me find bugs and let me know what features you guys want to see.
Adjustable spawn rates for mobs.
Control mobs with per-world support.
Change attributes of mobs.
Much more to come...
Not interested in what you see?
Click here to view the whole configuration file and see all of the things you can do!
You MUST have Vault installed and working on your server for this plugin to work.
Mobifier offers complete control over all mobs in your server and supports per-world support that allows you to change every aspect of mobs in each world. Tired of using a plugin that is hard to use, no commands, hard to understand configs, and just plain doesn't work out how you want it to? look no further! Mobifier takes the idea of AdvancedMobs(back in the day) and MonsterApocolypse and squishes them together with user friendly configs and commands.
/mf OR /mobifier | shows info and commands.
/mf reload <world:allworlds> | reloads the config for "world" or all worlds
Configuration Help < Click Here to see configuration with comments.
- mobifier.reload
allows the user to access help
allows the user to reload "world" or all worlds(adding support for each world soon)
Future Ideas
too many to list :D
Bug/Error/Improvement ideas
Please use the "Ticket" function that is right next to the download link. Do not leave a comment please.