Minecraft Version: 1.14.X, 1.15.X, 1.16.X, 1.17.X, 1.18.X
* It may be possible to use this Plugin in other versions, then those who are officially supported
Set one or multiple personal Home-points and conveniently teleport to them!
Usage: /sethome or /sethome <name>
Description: Sets a Home-point to your current location. When only /sethome is used a Home-point with the default name 'home' will be created. When a name is given the Home-point will be named that way.
Usage: /home or /home <name>
Description: Teleports you to your previously set Home-point. When only /home is used you will be teleported either to the Home-point named 'home' if available or to the first Home-point in your list. When a name is given you will be teleported to that Home-point.
Usage: /back
Aliases: /return
Description: Teleports you to the place where you last used the /home command
Usage: /listhomes
Aliases: /homes, /homeslist
Description: Gets you a list of all your Home-points and displays the maximum amount of Home-points a Player can have.
Usage: /deletehome or /deletehome [name]
Aliases: /homedelete
Description: Deletes a Home-point. When only /deletehome is used the Home-point named 'home' will be deleted if available. When a name is given that Home-point will be deleted.
Usage: /setmaxhomes <number> [name]
Description: Sets the Maximum amount of Homes one has. When only /setmaxhomes <number> is used the global default MaxHome-Count will be edited. When a name is given that a Player specific Home-limit is set (you will need permissions to do this).
Usage: /setspawn or /setspawn <name>
Description: Sets a custom World-Spawn (you will need permissions to do this).
Usage: /spawn
Description: Teleports you to the Spawn-point.
<arg> represent required arguments, [arg] represent optional arguments
Everything can be adjusted in the Plugin-Config, including the Home-limits, Home- and Spawn-Points.
(By default, the global Home-limit is 2)