Part of the Minds of Chimera Project (dev)
CodeBlocks | MOCPlaytimeTracker | MOCDBLib | RegenBlock | MOCGoodEats | MOC3DImporter | ImageImport | MOCKiosk | MOCRater | MOCFizziks | GravitySheep | MOCChemistry | MOCRegistry
MOC3DImporter allows for users to easily import .obj files containing 3D models into the Minecraft world. Uses WorldEdit
.obj parsing is done using Actual conversion of vertices to blocks is done by me.
MOC3DImporter.use - allows for ful use of the plugin. Default - op.
/3di filename.obj [-t] [height] - Opens the selected obj file and builds it based on player's location. -t will attempt to use texture info (limited to broken :) Optional height will scale the model to be that high, still starting based on player's location. Bottom of the object will always be at the player's location unless it is under/over the world, then the bottom will be set to 0. Model itself will be centered on the player.
BlocksPerQueue: 10000 - How many blocks will be built each queue call. Lowering this may help with lag, setting too high can possibly lock the server. Play around see what works best. QueueDelay: 5000 - Time in between each queue call in milliseconds. StepDONTCHANGE: 0.2 - Part of algorithm. Value needs to somehow add up to 1 steps, 0.2, 0.1, 0.5, 1 would be good values. Higher values will speed up matrix generation, but will likely cause models to have holes in them. If matrix generation is slow, I would only suggest changing this to 0.5.
OBJ File location
/plugins/MOC3DImporter/data/ Make sure to remove any MTL references from the OBJ file if .mtl file is not present or if you are getting errors even with .mtl available
Model will be hallow inside and if it does intersect with something in the world, area will not be cleared first. So while all blocks of the model will be set to well right now bed rock they may be under ground etc. Be careful where you do this, as there is no undo atm :)
Final note
While the conversion to voxels is done in a separate thread and is fairly quick, the building phase will likely lag the server to the point of kicking the players offline. You can try adjusting some of the settings in config.yml, but in most cases just use default and just give the server few minutes to recover.