This plugin supports researchers using Minecraft by performing age checks, consenting and periodic surveys.
Part of the Minds of Chimera Project (MOC)!
This is still work in progress, but as of right now it works pretty well so I am releasing this to the general public for testing and additional functionality suggestions.
-On initial log in, players are prompted whether they are 18 years or older, and whether they accept our terms of agreement.
-If player declines either, they are kicked and not allowed access to the server.
-If player accepts both, they won't be prompted for their age or acceptance of the terms anymore.
-While in game, if players press "r", a survey will pop up. Here players can submit responses to survey questions designated by the survey.yml and are stored in the config.yml.
-On every 5th player log-in, survey will automatically pop up upon log-in.
Stored Information
The following information is stored about the player:
- whether they ever submitted a survey
- number of surveys submitted
- number of times logged on
- if 18 or older
- if accepted terms of agreement
- all answers from survey
- spout is required
- to have the survey pop up with r, you may have to press another key (i.e. esc, or i for inventory) prior. Working to fix this bug.
- players can currently submit the survey before answering all the questions. Working to fix.
- still need to add functionality where the type of the survey question is determined by the survey.yml file and it displays the appropriate GUI.