Monetary Death Penalty



Fear death as MonetaryDeathPenalty will remove currency from a player's account when they die. This is a great way to help balance a server's economy.


This is the MonetaryDeathPenalty plugin you can add to your server to monetary penalise players that die. It is currently v2.23 and was designed for v.1.6.4, v1.7.2, v1.7.9 and v1.8.1. It requires Vault. MonetaryDeathPenalty also supports most permissions and most currency plugins. You can add regions to the worldguardBlacklist in the config.yml to disable any money loss within those regions.

I will continue to support this and add many more features. If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments or through a pm.

Installation and configuration

Place the MonetaryDeathPenalty.jar into your plugins directory and then run the server.


  • /mdp - Current version of MonetaryDeathPenalty running.
  • /mdp reload - Reloads the config for MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • /mdp set prefix <string> - Set the prefix for MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • /mdp set pvppay <integer> - Set the pvppay for MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • /mdp set usepercentage <boolean> - Set the usepercentage for MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • /mdp set flatpercentage <integer> - Set the flatpercentage MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • /mdp set flatamount <integer> - Set the flatamount MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • /mdp set vipflatpercentage <integer> - Set the vipflatpercentage MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • /mdp set vipflatamount <integer> - Set the vipflatamount MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • /mdp set minamountforpenalty <integer> - Set the minamountforpenalty MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • /mdp set flatamountbelowminamount <integer> - Set the flatamountbelowminamount MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • /mdp set maxpercentagecap <integer> - Set the maxpercentagecap MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • /mdp set currencysymbol <symbolr> - Set the currencysymbol MonetaryDeathPenalty.


Click here for help with the config.yml

  • checkForUpdates - MonetaryDeathPenalty will check for updates. Set to false to disable this./
  • prefix - Display a prefix before the MonetaryDeathPenalty message. To disable type prefix: ''
  • pvpPay: 150 - Allow players who kill another player to earn a flat amount of currency (pvpCost must be set to true). To disable type pvpPay: 0.
  • usePercentage: true - If true will use the flatPercentage to calculate the amount that is lost upon death.
  • flatPercentage: 10 - Will remove this percentage of the players current money upon death.
  • flatAmount: 500 - Will remove this amount of money from the player upon death. Set usePercentage to false if you wish to use this.
  • vipFlatPercentage: 5 - Will remove the specified percentage of the total players money upon death.
  • vipFlatAmount: 250 - Will remove a set value rather than a percentage of the players money. Set usePercentage to false if you wish to use this.
  • minAmountForPenalty: 1000 - If a player has less than or equal to this amount no currency will be deducted when they die.
  • flatAmountBelowMinAmount: 100 - If a player has less than or equal to minAmountForPenalty then the value from flatAmountBelowMinAmount will be deducted from a player when they die. To disable type flatAmountBelowMinAmount: 0
  • maxPercentageCap: 5000 - Will cap the max amount of currency that can be removed from the usePercentage.
  • currencySymbol: $ - Will output currencySymbolX in the money lost message upon death.
  • customMessage: '&6You have died at {0} &6and due to dying you have lost &a{1}&9{2}&6.' - Will show a custom death message upon death. Click here for help with the config.yml.
  • customMessageForKiller: '&6You have earned &a{1}&9{4} &6for killing &d{3}&6.' - Will show a custom message when the player kills another player. Click here for help with the config.yml.
  • worlds: - world - world_nether - Worlds listed here will prevent players losing money through MonetaryDeathPenalty.
  • worldGuardBlackList: - region_name_here - Regions listed here will cause MonetaryDeathPenalty to have no affect on the players currency.


  • mdp.ignore
    description: Player cannot be penalised by MonetaryDeathPenalty upon death. Give Ops - -mdp.ignore permission node to allow MonetaryDeathPenalty to affect their cash. They will still need the - permission node if you want Ops to be fully affected by MonetaryDeathPenalty.
    description: Player/group is marked as Vip and penalised using the value from vipFlatPercentage or vipFlatAmount. Give Ops - permission node to allow MonetaryDeathPenalty to fully affect their cash.
  • mdp.admin
    description: Player/group is granted admin permissions
    default: op
  • mdp.reload
    description: Reload the config for MonetaryDeathPenalty.
    default: op


Click here for the full Changelog


As of v2.0 this plugin sends statistics about the usage to the server You can disable it by setting "opt-out" to true in \plugins\PluginMetrics\config.yml.


Auto-checking for updates

As of v2.0 this plugin will check for updates using Curse's ServerMods API. It always checks the current version with the version on BukkitDev and will notify ops or any players/groups with the mdp.admin permission that there is an update available. It will never automatically download an update without the user typing /mdp update. All of the updates are downloaded from BukkitDev. These checks can be disabled in the config.yml by setting checkForUpdates to false.


As people have requested a donation button to help support the development of MonetaryDeathPenalty I've decided to add one. Thanks to the current and future donations I really appreciate it.