


This is the Bukkit plugin for MPL. This page will focus on the plugin only.
If you want to learn more about MPL check out their wiki.


The main feature of this plugin is to allow you to compile MPL-scripts on a server without having to open the world in MCedit, use the one-command setup or import the structure with WorldEdit and a schematic.
MPL has not been written by me. It is a Command Block Script Language by Adrodoc55.

You can have multiple structures with independent files in your world. And you can compile them on the spot with a single simple command.


Please keep in mind that this page just covers the basics. For more information please read our wiki.
Or have a look at the project page.
If there is a conflict between the wiki and this page, the wiki is right. But please tell me anyways.

All credit for MPL goes to Adrodoc55!


As with most other plugins the installtion is quite simple. Just upload the MplManager.jar to your plugins/ folder. If it does not exits start your server once.

After the plugin has run for the first time it should have created the following strcuture in your plugins/ folder:

├── MplManager/
│   ├── lang/
│   ├── lib/
│   ├── scripts/
│   ├── config.yml
│   └── structures.yml
└── MplManager-*.jar

lang/ will contain all translation files. If you remove them they will be regenerated. You also can add your own language.
lib/ will contain some required libraries which will be regenerated each start should you (by accident) delete them.
scripts/ is the folder for your scripts. You may create subdirectories if you please.
config.yml is the config file. You can adjust some settings here.
structures.yml is the save file for all structures. Do not delete it unless you want to loose all structures.

If you run into any problems please first make sure you are running the server with Java 1.8


/mpl <mpl_command> [parameter]: Executes a mpl command. "/mpl add" is the same as "/mpladd".
/mpladd <Name> [File.mpl] [x y z]: Adds a MPL structure to the world. The structure will not be generated. Use "/mplcompile <Name>" for that.
/mpcompile <Name> [force]: Compiles the script and creates the structure. Will stop and delete the old structure if necessary. "force" forces the structure to compile without waiting for it to stop
/mpldel <Name> [keep]: Removes the structure. To keep the structure in the world add the parameter "keep"
/mpllist [page]: Lists all structures
/mplnotify <Name>: Notifies a waiting compilation to continue. Can only be used from command blocks!
/mploption <Name> <Option> [true|false] or /mploption <Name> list: Sets or displays the value of a option. Also can list all active options
/mplreload [all|structures|config]: Reloads the structures or the config from file. By default everything will be reloaded


mplmanager.add: Can the user add a new structure (default: op)
mplmanager.compile: Can the user compile a MPL script (default: op)
mplmanager.del: Can the user delete a structure (default: op)
mplmanager.list: Can the user list all structures (default: op)
mplmanager.option: Can the user set options for a structure (default: op)
mplmanager.reload: Can the user reload the structures from file (default: op)

mplmanager.*: - mplmanager.add - mplmanager.compile - mplmanager.del - mplmanager.list - mplmanager.option - mplmanager.reload

mplmanager.user: - mplmanager.compile - mplmanager.list - mplmanager.option

mplmanager.admin: - mplmanager.add - mplmanager.del - mplmanager.list - mplmanager.reload


  • language:
    Language of the messages.
    Make sure you have a .yml file with the same name in the lang directory
    You can also create a custom language with that.
  • includeNotify:
    Whether to automatically include the "/mplnotify <Name>" command