Multi Options

Multi Options


Multi Options is a simple plugin that will help you on your server and facilitates the customization and progress of your server with the multiple options that it brings

  when the plugin has an update it is important to remove the
  Config.yml file in the multioptions folder or it might not
  load the new configuration
- It is necessary to have the plugin [BountifulAPI] in the plugin folder so that the titles work
/mo help you help you know what commands are there and what function they have
/mo setlobby  with this command you can set the lobby
/mo removelobby  with this command you can remove the lobby
/mo setvoid with this command you can set the lobby of protection against falls to the emptiness
/mo removevoid  with this command you can remove the lobby of protection against falls to the emptiness
/mo reload  reloads the plugin config files
/lobby | hub will send you to the lobby
/clearchat  will clean the chat when it is very full
/mo panel [is not implemented at a]
All permits are in default with the [OP]
- Multi.* | you have access to all the plugin commands
- Multi.lobby.setlobby
- Multi.lobby.removelobby
- Multi.lobby.setvoid
- Multi.lobby.removevoid
- Multi.clearchat
- implementation of [BountifulAPI]
- implementation of void-lobby
- implementation of clearchat