

What Does it Do?

MultiPack is a simple plugin that hooks into WorldGuard and allows the setting of texture packs for each region. The plugin tries its best to respect region priorities, so regions with higher priority will override the texture pack of a lower priority region.
This plugin would be great for creative servers with builds that look better with a specific texture pack, or RP servers that want different areas to set a different mood.

Unlike some other texture pack plugins, this one does not require Spout!

How Do I Use it?

There are simple commands to add, remove or set the texture pack of a region. So if you do not like manually editing files, or want users to be able to set a regions texture pack, this plugin allows for that.

Please consult the "Commands" section for more information.

If a player is not in a region, the servers default texture pack will be used. If the server does not have a default texture pack, the player will be reset back to the Minecraft default texture pack.


  • worldguard.region.texture.regions.<regionName> - allows the user to set the texture pack of a region that they are not an owner of.
  • multipack.reload - allows manual reloading of the configuration.
  • multipack.default - allows setting of worlds default texture packs.


  • /multipack <add|set> <worldName> <regionName> <Texture Pack URL> - Adds/sets/changes a texture pack to a region
  • /multipack remove | rm <worldName> <regionName> - Removes a texture pack from a region
  • /multipack reload - Reloads the configuration ( useful for manual edits )
  • /multipack default <set|add> <worldName> <url> - Set the default texture pack of a world
  • /multipack default remove <worldName> - Remove the default texture pack of a world

The "add", "remove" and "set" commands all require at least one of the follow things to be true for the sender of the command to be allowed to set the texture pack of a region!
The command sender:

  1. Is OP
  2. Is an owner of the region
  3. Has the permission "worldguard.region.texture.regions.<regionName>"
  4. Is the console