



A plugin for collaborative hardcore. Rather than banning a player when they die (like the Vanilla implementation of hardcore does), create a new world and force everyone to start over. Inspired by this Reddit post.

Note: MultiplayerHardcore is intended to be used on a server of its own. Use BungeeCord networking if you want to offer multiple game modes.


  • Create a new set of worlds (Overworld, Nether, End) every time a player dies, and move all players there (clearing out inventories and resetting expecience)
  • Retain past attempts in case someone decided to build some crazy stuff you may want to revisit later
  • Customise death messages
  • Keep track of death causes for each player (although there is no convenient way of displaying this yet)
  • Close the server on a schedule (i.e. only allow players onto the server at certain times) to ensure nobody grinds away every night and beats the game single-handedly
  • Post death messages to Discord via a webhook.
  • (since 1.0.0-beta2) Show server status (current attempt, next play-time window) in the MOTD.


  • Multiverse-Core (4.2.2)
  • Multiverse-NetherPortals

Built for: Spigot 1.16.5, Java 11


The default configuration should be enough to get you started. The readme file has comprehensive info on every setting if you find yourself needing it.


No commands here. Simple!

Issues, Contributions

MultiplayerHardcore is released under the MIT license. If you find any bugs and/or would like to contribute, please head over to the GitHub repository!