MultipleWorlds allows you...
- to create new worlds with different names and diffrent types
- to teleport you to these worlds
- to remove these world
- to get some more information about the world of your choice
- to have a look about which worlds are loaded
MultipleWorlds is a good choice for servers which are running with more worlds! It is a plugin like Multiverse, but with some fewer unnecessary features! This plugin also takes not much resources!
- multipleworlds.mwbasics
- multipleworlds.mwcreate
- multipleworlds.mwtp
- multipleworlds.mwremove
- multipleworlds.mwinfo
- multipleworlds.mwlist
- /mwbasics : Shows you all commands of this plugin
- /mwcreate [WorldName] [Property] : Creates a new world of your choice
- /mwtp [WorldName] : Teleports you to a world of your choice
- /mwremove [WorldName] : Removes a world of your choice
- /mwinfo [WorldName] : Gives you more information about a world of your choice
- /mwlist : Shows you all loaded worlds *Beta status*
- This plugin could have buggs! Recent versions will remove them, so please report every bugg you've found! I'll fix them!
- Recent versions will support more features, so be up-to-date! I'll also agree to wishes, so tell me from your wishes!