Simple Hub is a very easy to use plugin that allows you to set multiple hubs.
Current version: 1.7
Tnx for 900+ downloads!
- /sethub <name is optional, if you let the name empty it wil save it as a main hub> - Saves the hub location to the config.
- /hub <name is optional, if you let the name empty it will teleport you at the main hub> - Teleports the player to the hub location.
- /cc - Clears the chat.
- /delhub name - Deletes a hub.
- /hubrel - Reloads the config.
- /hubs help - A list of all permited commands. (If you do not have permission for a command is not listed)
- hub.set - /sethub
- hub.use.main - /hub
- hub.use."name" - /hub "name"
- - /cc
- hub.delete - /delhub <name>
- hub.reload - /hubrel
- no permission - /hubs help
None of the commands can be run from the console. Because of the change from 1.2 to 1.5 and above the old config must be deleted and the server reloaded for the plugin to work, it will not recognize the old way the plugin stored the hub.
To Do:
- Add: The console will be compatible with some of the commands.
- Add: a command that lists all the hubs
Bugs in the lastest version
Nothing found yet. If you do, post the bug in the comments and tell me how it happened, and I will try to fix it in that day!
Bugs Fixed
If you do /delhub <name> and then /hub <same name that was already deleted> it will give you a message with An internal error... Altough it gives this error nothing else happens. (Fixed by deleting the hub an then do a /hubrel) _______________________________________________________________________________________
Post ideas.