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Make your own, customized Minecraft commands
- Make new commands!. (Also registered command)
- Run others command in new one
- Perform several commands in one
- Delayed commands with custom pause, warmups and cooldowns
- Make Shortcut/alias commands or override commands.
- Run commands with any item , block, signs or even (villager) NPC's.
- Various functions for costumize commands, like placeholders, scripts (if-else) and more.
- Console support
- Economy support (Require Vault)
- All features are highly customizable
- No command limits with multiple file support
- Customizable IconMenu (ChestGUI), ActionBar, BossBar, Hover/ClickableText, Title and Scoreboard commands.
- Allow the execution of commands in various circumstances (per world, by worldguard regions and more.
- Custom players database where you can store anything you want to personalize even more your commands. SQL database supported.
- BungeeCord feature, Scheduler, Join/Quit/Death events, PHP/GET request ...
- ... And much, much more..!
Configuration and examples (Documentation)
Commands & permissions
Video Tutorial :
(French) Getting Started (TEXT and ALIAS commands) by Texier (MyCommand 5.5.0)
(English) by Koz4Christ. (MyCommand 5.1.8)
If you have to report an error in the chat, or just a command section, use pastebin or a similar website. Help with YML code error :
This plugin uses bStats Metrics - MyCommand stats page