Hello everyone!
This plugin provides an event mangement system with a participants list, duration and other features. Host an event at a location and let players teleport to it after they have logged on.
MyEvents provides an API that can be used by other developers. See Github for more informations. If you want your plugin to be listed here, contact me via pm!
Uses Metrics for sending completly anonomous data to http://mcstats.org for usage tracking. See mcstats.org and GitHub for more info.
- Use of the server time
- Duration
- Location (teleport to)
- Log on/log off
- Participants
- Permissions
- Localizations (At the moment English and German)
- Update reminders for OPs
- Copy MyEvents.jar in your /plugins/ folder.
- Restart or reload your server.
- Localization: change the 'Localization' value in config.yml (possible values: 'en', 'de')
English (en):
- Create an event
- Type in /event create <name of the event> <start date in dd.mm.yyyy mm:hh> <duration in minutes> <description>
- The location where the players teleport is your current location
- Remove an event
- Type in /event remove <name of the event>
- List all events
- /event list
- Log on to an event
- Use /event logon <name of the event>
- Log off from an event
- Use /event logoff <name 0f the event>
- Teleport to an event
- TP with /event tp <name of the event>
- See participants
- Use /event participants <name of the event>
German (de):
- See German usage
Chinese (cn):
- See Chinese usage
- Creation: MyEvents.event.create
- Removing: MyEvents.event.remove
- Informations: MyEvents.event.info
- Teleport: MyEvents.event.teleport
- Logon: MyEvents.event.logon
- Logoff: MyEvents.event.logoff
- List events: MyEvents.event.list
- Show participants: MyEvents.event.participants
See the wiki at Github.
Wiki: (more informations)
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