Plugin Info:

  • KitPVP Plugin with all the essentials commands/perks.
  • Creator: xKishan [To Contact me message me on the forums]
  • For bug's please post comments and I will fix within 24 hours!


  • Villager Kits (use /entitykits <kitname> to spawn an NPC that will not go away until you remove from config!)
  • Kits (/kits, /kit <name>)
  • Stats (/stats,/stats <otherplayer> Scoreboard Already Included!)
  • Custom Economy (Coins Economy +49 Coins per Kill)
  • [Soup] Sign ((Must be OP or have "kitpvp.soup" to use!)


  • /kit (Usage: /kit <name>) - Choosing a Kit ((Permission: "kitpvp.kit" or be OP))
  • /kits (Usage: /kits) - List of All Kits ((Permission: "kitpvp.kit" or be OP))
  • /addcoins (Usage: /addcoins <player> <amount>) - Adding coins to a player ((To use this command you must have permission "kitpvp.addcoins" or be OP))
  • /setcoins (Usage: /setcoins <player> <amount>) - Setting coins to a player ((To use this command you must have permission "kitpvp.setcoins" or be OP))
  • /takecoins (Usage: /takecoins <player> <amount>) - Taking coins to a player ((To use this command you must have permission "kitpvp.takecoins" or be OP))
  • /stats (Usage: /stats or /stats <player>) - Looking at Stats of yourself or others ((NO PERMS))
  • /resetstats (Usage: /resetstats or /resetstats <player>) - Resetting your sets or of others ((To use this command you must have permission "kitpvp.resetstats" or be OP))
  • /setspawn (Usage: /setspawn) - Setting Spawn ((OP or "kitpvp.setspawn")) SETSPAWN WILL PUT AN ERROR IN CONSOLE FOR THE TIME BEING! FIX WILL BE SOON!
  • /spawn (Usage: /spawn) - Teleporting to Spawn ((OP or "kitpvp.spawn"))
  • /entitykits (Usage: /entitykits <kitname>) - Spawns a villager at your location that will not go away UNLESS you remove from config!

Plugins Needed In Order for this Plugin to Work:

  • PermissionsEX
  • Vault

Villager Kits Villager Kits-Inventory