NBT Explorer


NBT Explorer

NBT Explorer aims to provide a simple yet powerful set of tools for viewing and modifying the NBT structure in various parts of the Minecraft server software.


By full release I aim to have NBT Explorer be fully functional in command line mode but as of right now you must be a player to use the following commands:

  • /explore [world] <x> <y> <z> || <Entity UUID> - Displays the NBT structure for the specified block/entity (requires nbtexplorer.command.explore). If no arguments are supplied you will target whatever block/entity you are looking at
  • /exploreitem - - Displays the NBT structure for the item in your hand (requires nbtexplorer.command.exploreitem)


There is no configuration file generated when this plugin is installed. This plugin does not require any configuration. You can create a config.yml in plugins/NBTExplorer and fill it with the following optional entries:

  • reach - (Integer, default 100) the distance in blocks to check when executing /explore

Experimental Status

NBT Explorer is currently flagged as experimental due to the fact that it has not been heavily tested and still lacks some features that I hope to implement by full release. Please be aware that at the moment there is no way to add NBT tags to existing compounds/lists, only edit already existing tags (thats next on my list of things to implement).

GUI Demo