Non-Specific Odyssey

Non-Specific Odyssey


Non-Specific Odyssey

What it does

Non-Specific Odyssey is a random teleport plugin that always gives you good locations!

  • never teleport into water or lava
  • never teleport inside blocks or caves
  • permissions based multi-world support
  • configurable & permissions based multi-environment support
  • configurable no-damage settings
  • configurable cool down period
  • teleport to biomes

How it works

Add the NonSpecificOdyssey.jar file to your server's plugins directory and start up the server. A config file will be created automatically with the default values.


There are a few config options:

cooldown: [true|false]

Whether to use a cool down period between usage of the random teleport command (/rtp)

cooldown_time: [seconds]

How long (in seconds) the cool down period is. Default: 120 seconds

no_damage: [true|false]

Whether the player takes no damage (invulnerability) after teleporting. Default: false

no_damage_time: [seconds]

How long (in seconds) the player takes no damage. Default: 20 seconds

max: [distance]

The maximum distance a player can teleport in any direction ie if set to 2048 the random co-ordinate will be between -2048 and +2048. Default: 1024

nether: [true|false]

Whether you can random teleport to the Nether. You can also restrict travel to the Nether using permissions. Default: false

end: [true|false]

Whether you can random teleport to the The End. You can also restrict travel to the The End using permissions. Default: false

initial_step: [number]

The number of blocks the biome search starts searching relative to the player's current location. Use larger values to start the search further away. Default: 0

<<code text>>
step: [number]

The number of blocks the biome search uses. Smaller values are more accurate, larger values make the search faster. Default: 10

firstline: [text]

Sets the text that appears between the square brackets on the first line of a Non-Specific Odyssey sign. Default: 'Random TP'


There are three commands.


  • aliases: [rtp, nso]
  • description: Teleport to a random destination
  • usage: /<command> [world]
  • [world] is optional, when used with no arguments, it teleports you within the world you are currently in


  • aliases: [rtpb, nsob]
  • description: Teleport to a specific biome
  • usage: /<command> [biome|list] [world]
  • using /biome list will show a list of valid biome names
  • [world] is optional, when used with no arguments, it teleports you to a biome within the world you are currently in


  • description: Change config options
  • usage: /<command> [option] OR /<command> [option] [amount]
    • type the config [option] as it appears in the config.yml file
    • for options that are true|false just use /nsoadmin [option] e.g. /nsoadmin cooldown - this toggles the setting
    • for the rest of the options specify a number for the [amount] e.g. /nsoadmin max 1500


You can use a sign as a trigger for random and biome teleports.

  1. Place a sign
  2. Between opening and closing square brackets type the text specified by firstline in the config file, for example: [Random TP] on the first line
  3. You can put anything you like on line two
  4. To specify a world, type the world name on line three
  5. To specify a biome, type a biome name on line four

If an invalid world or biome type is specified those lines will be ignored.

Players must have the permission nonspecificodyssey.sign to use signs, and nonspecificodyssey.admin to make signs.

To remove a sign, you must be an Op, then just click the Non-Specific Odyssey sign while sneaking.


Here they are:


Default: everyone - Allow player to use the random teleport command


Allow player random teleport in the specified world


Default: op - Allow players to use Non-Specific Odyssey signs


Default: op - Allow player to random teleport to THE END


Default: op - Allow player to random teleport to the NETHER


Default: op - Allow player to bypass the random teleport cool down


Default: op - Allow player to change config options, and make Non-Specific Odyssey signs


Default: op - Parent permissions node that has the children:

  • nonspecificodyssey.use
  • nonspecificodyssey.nether
  • nonspecificodyssey.end
  • nonspecificodyssey.sign

Default: op - Parent permissions node that has the children:

  • nonspecificodyssey.biome.EXTREME_HILLS
  • nonspecificodyssey.biome.SWAMPLAND
  • nonspecificodyssey.biome.FOREST
  • etc, etc

Change log


  • Added a config option for initial biome search step - initial_step - default is 0, so it searches from the player's current location. Set it to higher values to start searching further away.
  • Added step and initial_step to /nsoadmin command


  • Added a [world] argument to the /biome command, usage: /biome [biome] [world]
  • Added tab completion for biome types to the /biome command
  • Added Non-Specific Odyssey signs


  • Added a new command - /biome [biome] to teleport to the nearest occurrence of the biome type specified
    • Command aliases: rtpb and nsob
    • You can list biome types with /rtpb list
    • Grant travel to all biomes with the permission: nonspecificodyssey.biome.* - default is OP
    • Restrict travel to specific biomes using permissions: nonspecificodyssey.biome.[BIOME] e.g. nonspecificodyssey.biome.EXTREME_HILLS


  • Built with Bukkit 1.5.2-R0.2


  • Add command to change config options /nsoadmin [option] [amount]
  • Added teleport sound

v1.0 Initial release

Source code

GitHub Repository


This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version

Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true