


NoTalk 1.1 is out! It's compatible with the latest Craftbukkit release, fixes an issue as reported in the Tickets section and is fresh 'n ready to install!


NoTalk is a simple, lightweight but yet powerfull plugin, with which you can define regions where your players are not able to talk. You can give user who are permitted to talk, the appropriate permission to do so. Please scroll down to Permissions for more information on that. Feel free to ask any questions or make any requests.


You need to have WorldEdit installed to use this plugin.


  • Lightweight It's just 5KB on disk!
  • Create regions You can create regions of any size - anywhere
  • Permissions Using permissions, you can completely control what users can do with the plugin
  • Bypassable Users with the notalk.bypass permission are able to talk in NoTalk-regions (for example, admins and mods)
  • Delete regions You can delete regions whenever you want
  • Multi-world support You can define regions for multiple worlds

Setting it all up

  1. Download the .jar file and put it into your plugins folder. You're done!
  2. Set up your permissions, see Permisisons for more information on that
  3. Optional Configuration files are being created upon running the server. You can, if you want, edit it, but only do so if you know what you're doing: it stores all regions


  • /notalk define [name] Defines a new NoTalk-region
  • /notalk remove [world] [name] Removes the specified NoTalk-region
  • /notalk list Shows you a list of NoTalk-regions being defined
  • /notalk info Gives you more information on the permissions you have, and what version of NoTalk you are using


  • notalk.define With this permission, you can define new NoTalk-regions
  • notalk.remove With this permission, you can remove NoTalk-regions
  • notalk.list With this permission, you can list defined NoTalk-regions
  • notalk.bypass With this permission, you can bypass any NoTalk-regions (helpful if you want admins to be able to talk inside NoTalk regions)

Demo video

Source code

For the interested developers, you can fork this plugin on Github. It's relatively simple code, so if you're new to developing Bukkit plugins, you might want to look at it.

NoTalk on Github