This is my second Plugin!
You can see other Players Commands in the Chat and they dont know it ;)
/ABUSE - Turns NPLX-Anti-Abuse on.
/ABUSE - Turns NPLX-Anti-Abuse off.
NPLXAntiAbuse.spy - You need this Permission to spy other Players commands.
NPLXAntiAbuse.NoSpy - If you have this Permission NOBODY can spy your commands.
NPLXAntiAbuse.toggle - Allows you to use the /ABUSE command to toggle it ON/OFF.
MessageFormat: "\xa7b[\xa74\xa7lNPLX\xa7b] \xa7a[%world] \xa7c%player: \xa7e%command"
This ""\xa7b"" just means the color codes in Minecraft you can use & and ยง also.
%command - The Command that the player is running.
%player - Player name.
%world - Shows you the Player World.