This plugin should be used with caution!
- /oitc join - join queue
- /oitc leave - leave queue or current match
- /oitc vote <arenaName> - vote which arena will be selected for upcoming match
- /oitc (help|usage) - display command list
- /oitc arena list or /oitc (arenas|list) - display playable arenas
- /oitc arena create <arenaName> - create an arena and select it for simpler commands
- /oitc arena (remove|delete) <arenaName> - delete an arena
- /oitc arena displayname <arenaName> <arenaDisplayname> - change arena's displayname (currently there is no use for this)
- /oitc arena select <arenaName> - used for simpler commands where you don't need to specify arena name every time
- /oitc arena addspawn <arenaName> - adds a spawn to this arena at your current location
- /oitc arena (removespawn|delspawn) <arenaName> - removes a spawn from this arena near your location (radius can be configured in config.yml)
- /oitc arena validate <arenaName> - validate this arena so players can play in it
- /oitc arena invalidate <arenaName> - invalidate this arena so players can no longer play in it
- /oitc addspawn - simpler command for 10. command
- /oitc (removespawn|delspawn) - simpler command for 11.
- /oitc validate - simpler command for 12.
- /oitc invalidate - simpler command for 13.
- oitc.user - permissions that every player should have
- oitc.admin - permissions that every admin should have
- oitc.command - access to /oitc command
- - access to /oitc help command
- - access to admin help (inherits
- oitc.join - access to /oitc join command
- oitc.leave - access to /oitc leave command
- - access to /oitc vote <arenaName> command
- oitc.arena.list - /oitc arenas displays playable arenas
- oitc.arena.listall - /oitc arenas also displays unplayable or invalidated arenas (inherits oitc.arena.list)
- oitc.arena.create
- oitc.arena.remove
- oitc.arena.spawn.add
- oitc.arena.spawn.remove
- oitc.arena.validate - access to /oitc validate and /oitc invalidate commands
- oitc.arena.displayname - access to /oitc arena displayname <arenaName> <arenaDisplayname> command
- - access to /oitc arena select <arenaName> command
# ===== OneInTheChamber ===== # Max players per match max_players_per_match: 16 # Min players per match min_players_for_match: 2 # How much arrows should be added to the killer's inventory on a sword kill or bow kill sword_kill_arrows: 1 bow_kill_arrows: 1 # Remove arena's spawn radius remove_spawn_radius: 5.5 # Ex. {match time in seconds} - {30 seconds ending} = 600 - 30 = 570 match_time: 570 # Seconds before a match is started # if {min_players_for_match} <= {current player count in queue} < {max_players_per_match} match_force_start_time: 30 # Do you want to create a harmless explosion at player's death location? explosion_on_death: true # Allowed commands while in a game allowed_commands: - oitc # Useful in a server crash scenario # and must be enabled if you want items to be automatically returned when a player disconnects while in a match and rejoins the server after. player_state_save_file: true