Online Time


Online Time

What is Online Time

Online Time is a plugin that remember how many minutes players spend on your server. This plugin can also be integrated into other plugins. You can also easy find the most online players.

How i got the idea

When i was creating a rankup plugin i was looking for a plugin to see how long a player played on your server, but after long search i could't find it. So i created it by my own.


For server admins

  • see how long players spend on your server.
  • see the session lenght of online players.
  • config of AFK status counts (essentials)
  • Commands & Permissions

For Developers:

  • Call the plugin to see the spend time of a player.
  • Call the plugin to see the session time of a player.
  • may more (please make ticket)

Database options:

  1. Flatfile
  2. MySql /need to import/(and may help to import)
If you have more ideas/things i can/need to add please make a ticket.