

How to use this plugin

Commands & Permissions

For the commands and permissions, you don't have to do anything with the commands, but you do need to do add permissions to certain groups, users, or ops that you trust very well and you know that wont do anything to harm your server.

You may/may not need a permissions plugin based on your groups, users, and ops that you want.

Files & Installation ((Installtion-for new server owners)

For the files, the plugin will auto-generate the files once the server is reloaded or started up.

For the Installation, you need to download the latest file, go to your bukkit server location, go to the , "plugins" , folder that is located inside the Bukkit Server Location, or BSL, and drop it in there, then you just need to start up the server once it inside the , "plugins" , folder

Why I made this Plugin

I made this plugin because I wanted server owners to have a little more safety with their ops , I was looking at some reports of people oping themselves on their server, so I wanted to make sure that they wont be able to do that anymore, that is the goal of this plugin.


There is currently 2 commands:

  1. /op - the command to op people on your server.
  2. /deop - the command to deop certain people on your server.


There is currently 2 permissions:

  1. op.bybass - The permission to use the /op command.
  2. deop.bybass - The permission to use the /deop command.


As I had said in the 'Files & Installation (for new server owners)' section, you don't need to do anything with the files, just let it generate themselves.


To make a report with a problem, hit the Ticket button on this page. Once you do that, you will follow the instructions made by the Bukkit Staff. After it is made, I will shortly look in the problem, see how it happened, how to fix it, and I will reply after those steps.