

Description available in english and german!


This plugin is for all server-admins who are afraid of being hacked or griefed. It blocks all interactions of a player when the player is not OP.

What happens when a non-OP interacts?

If a player joins, he can move, but can't interact with something, he can't chat. The player receive a message that he can't interact with something. Via the command /contact he can speak to an OP. The op can answer via /msg If the player is OP, he can interact normally.

It should be compatible for several CB-versions. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, enlish is not my native language.


Dieses Plugin ist für alle Server-Admins welche Angst vor Hackern und Griefern haben. Es blockt alle Interaktionen von Nicht-OP-Spielern.

Was passiert wenn ein Nicht-OP interagiert?

Wenn ein Spieler, der Nicht-OP ist, joint, kann er sich bewegen. Er kann aber keine Blöcke abbauen und platzieren sowie chatten. Der Spieler erhält eine Nachricht, dass er nicht interagieren kann. Über /contact kann er mit einem OP kommunizieren, dieser kann per /msg antworten. Falls der Spieler OP ist, kann er normal interagieren. Das Plugin sollte für diverse CB-Versionen funktionieren.


In the config file, the server admin can edit all rights the non-OP has. These are all config entrys supported by the plugin:

  • canPlace: Can the player place any block?
  • canDestroy: Can the player destroy any block?
  • canChat: Can the player use the chat?
  • canDropItem: Can the player drop any item?
  • canPickUpItem: Can the player pick up any item?
  • canConsumeItem: Can the player consume any item? (Food etc.)
  • canOpenInventory: Can the player opens an inventory (chest, furnance, workbench etc.)
  • canUseBed: Can a player use a bed?
  • canMove: Can a player move? I suggest to let this on true! (Otherwise, the player would be spamed by hundreds of messages that he can't move...)
  • english: If true, all player messages will be in english, else in german.
  • showEnablingMessage: The plugin shows a message when it's enabled.
  • showDisablingMessage: The plugin shows a message when it's disabled.

Known Bugs

  • The player can interact with redstone.
  • A chest stays open after interaction.
  • The player can use buckets.
  • The player can hit entitys.
  • Not all messages are in english and german available (only english at the moment)

I'm working on them!

Any suggestions for the plugin? Contact me: [email protected]