


Join your kingdom and fight for it. With custom ranks you can make a leader for your kingdom.

This plugin will help you to make a own kingdom server. It supports a scoreboard and a Colorized tablist.


  • Create kingdoms
  • Set kingdom spawns 
  • Scoreboard for your kingdom
  • Tablist with Color
  • different Chat channels
  • Custom ranks with permissions


/k create - this will create a kingdom.
/k list - this will show all kingdoms that exist.
/k info - shows some info about a kingdom.
/k join - join a kingdom.
/k leave - leave a kingdom
/k kick - kick a player of your kingdom.
/k addrank - add a rank to the config.
/k setrank - set a rank of a player.
/k spawn - go to your kingdom spawn.
/k setspawn - set kingdom spawn.
/k setstatus - set your kingdom status like: open/close/invite-only.
/k invite - invite a player to your kingdom.
/k selector - get a kingdom selector.
/k spy - look in to others kingdom chats.
/k ally/neutral/enemy - set relation with other kingdom.
/k set - set a player in a kingdom.
/k reload - reload the config files. 


/k create - opperkingdoms.create
/k list - opperkingdoms.list
/k info - opperkingdoms.info
/k join - opperkingdoms.join
/k leave - opperkingdoms.leave
/k kick - opperkingdoms.kick
/k addrank - opperkingdoms.addrank
/k setrank - opperkingdoms.setrank
/k spawn - opperkingdoms.spawn
/k setspawn - opperkingdoms.setspawn
/k setstatus - opperkingdoms.setstatus
/k invite - opperkingdoms.invite
/k selector - opperkingdoms.selector
/k spy - opperkingdoms.spy
/k ally/neutral/enemy - opperkingdoms.ally / opperkingdoms.neutral/ opperkingdoms.enemy
/k set - opperkingdoms.set
/k reload - opperkingdoms.reload
/k help - opperkingdoms.help

Shows player in k info as king - opperkingdoms.king
let player talk in kingschat - opperkingdoms.kingschat


There is a yml named kingdomData.yml which contains all the kingdoms. If you edit these files while the plugin is running, all changes will be overwritten on the next restart or reload! 

There is a yml named rankData.yml which contains all the ranks and permissions. If you edit these files while the plugin is running, all changes will be overwritten on the next restart or reload!

Use /k disable to disable the plugin than you can edit the files.

There is a yml named playerData.yml which contains all the players. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.

There is a yml named config.yml which contains all the some settings.

Your ideas:

If you have a nice idea that I have to add to this plugin.

Please let me know and I will look into it.


If you have troubles of find a bug please send me a email with this format below.


Server version:

Plugin version:

Used command:

Explain bug:

Error log from console:

Other information: 




[email protected]

