Orebfuscator is a plugin for Spigot based Minecraft Servers that modifies packets in order to hide blocks of interest from X-Ray Clients and Texture Packs. Thus it doesn't modify your world and is safe to use.
Plug & Play
Highly configurable config
Support for Spigot based servers 1.9.4 - 1-16.5 (only tested on spigot)
Obfuscate blocks based on their light level
Hide block entities like Chests and Furnaces
Make blocks in a players proximity visible based on their distance and their view
Java 8 or higher
Spigot and (proably) any other fork of Spigot (1.9.4 or higher)
ProtocolLib 4.0 or higher
Download ProtocolLib https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/protocollib
Download Orebfuscator
Put both in your plugins directory
Start your server and configure orebfuscator to your liking