

This is a Quest making plugin. It allows users to create their own Quests (dungeons, levels) in separate worlds and then have users play through copies of those worlds so that treasure, puzzles, and monsters can be destroyed, taken, or changed without the Worlds requiring resetting. It manages the creation of the Original World and the parallel World, NPCs, monsters, permissions and rewards. A lot of what the plugin is doing is managing users control so that your average user can use plugins like multiverse, World Guard, creature box, and citizens to create story enriched fully interactive Quests without being able to destroy the server.

How the system Works:

A Creator creates an experience for Players (I.E. a Cavern full of Monsters for Player’s to fight). The Creator does this in an Origin World where they can control and manipulate the experience’s game play mechanics, story, and environment. When a Player goes through one of these Experiences, they can’t be in the Origin World though because they could potentially destroy the World for the next Player (I.E. Destroying all the Monsters/Taking all of the Rewards). So Players are put into Parallel World, copies of the Origin World were the players behavior is controlled by rules the Creator set.

Origin World: An empty world where the World’s creator can enter and modify without restrictions.

A Creator: The creator of a particular Origin World. (The Creator of a World can be a Player for the World as Well.)

Parallel World: A copy of the Origin World were Players can enter and interact without destroying the Origin World.

A Player: A user that is playing through an experience created by a Creator.



description: Permissions for Admin commands

default: op


description: Permissions for the Average user

default: true

Most Important Commands:

/OW MyWorld

Takes you into your Origin World.(Also creates it if necessary)

/OW OriList

Prints a list of all Origin World's information.

/OW cp [Nickname]

Takes you into a Parallel world of the nicknamed Origin World.


Makes you leave the Origin World or Parallel World you are in.

More Slash Commands:

/OW cp [Nickname]

Creates a Parellel World from the Origin World given by the Nickname.

/OW MyWorld

Puts you in your Origin World/creates one for you if there isn't one.


Takes the player out of either the Origin World or Parallel world that they are in.

/OW OriList

Prints the list of Origin Worlds, their Nicknames, and creators.


/OW ol /OW Origins

Commands that Control Permissions:

/OW addPerm

Begin ADDING Block types that can be destroyed by Players. RIGHT click desired blocks.


1. All Players in your Origin World will edit permissions.

2. Some blocks have multiple states, you need to add each state. (I.E. a redstone torch when it is both off and on.)


/OW ap

/OW remPerm

Begin REMOVING Block types that can be destroyed by Players. RIGHT click desired blocks.


1. All Players in your Origin World will edit permissions.

2. Some blocks have multiple states, you need to remove each state. (I.E. a redstone torch when it is both off and on.)


/OW rp

/OW stopPerm

Stop modifying permissions.


1. All Players in your Origin World will stop editing permissions.


/OW sp

NPC Commands:

/OW AddNPC [NPCName] Creates an NPC with the name NPCName at your location.


1. There is a limit on the Number of NPC that can be in an Origin World. this limit is currently 20.

2. There is a limit on the number of characters a name can be. This Limit is currently 40.


/OW aNPC [NPCName]

Getting Information:

/OW MyInfo


Prints available information on the World you own.


/OW mi

/OW GetInfo [NickName]/[PlayerName]

Prints available information on the World you own.


/OW gi [NickName]/[PlayerName]

Admin commands:

/OW GoTo [Nickname]/[PlayerName]

Takes you to an Origin world with the specified Nickname or Player Name Note: 1. If a nickname is someones player name the Nickname will be used.

/OW changeOwner {Nickname} [New Owner Name]

Changes the Owner of a world to New Owner name. The World effected will be the Origin World whose Nickname is specified. If no Nickname is specified you must be in an Origin World, then you change the World you are in.



/OW remove [Nickname]

Makes an Origin World into a regular World.


1. All information of the Origin World is deleted

2. DOESN'T delete the world. Use Multiverse for that.


/OW rem [Nickname]

Admin NPC Commands:


adds an NPCs ID to the World's NPCID list. This is the list of NPC's that will be copied.


1. Doesn't create the NPC

2. Must be in an Origin World with that NPC to add it.


removes the NPCs ID from the World's NPC ID list. This is the list of NPC's that will be copied.


1. Doesn't destroy the NPC

2. Must be in an Origin World with that NPC to add it.