- 0
Drop To Inventory
#337 opened by TheMode - 2
LEAVES mixup
#338 opened by AzXeus - 2
Using dropgroups seems to spam the chat
#339 opened by AzXeus - 0
replacementblock: AIR
#340 opened by Humperdink2 - 0
#341 opened by DevilOns297 - 2
PlayerInteractEvent causes NullPointerException when regions are disabled in WorldGuard config
#342 opened by crevice - 0
Support Explosion-related Events
#343 opened by stvncao5 - 8
Support Horse Data
#344 opened by stvncao5 - 2
Server Crash
#345 opened by TomberWolf - 1
Redstone dust - renaming?
#346 opened by Zarius - 2
Could not pass event LeavesDecayEvent to OtherDrops
#347 opened by TomberWolf - 0
Endless console warnings with egg+dispenser
#349 opened by israelcurtis - 1
new PlayerDeathEvent (possibly more) error in 1.8 and latest 2.8b596
#350 opened by israelcurtis - 0
WorldEdit Issue!
#351 opened by dread0522 - 0
Vanilla commands issue
#352 opened by hgt3345 - 0
Request : Conditions on delay
#353 opened by Kaaji - 4
tool: parameter not respected?
#354 opened - 0
Using "particleeffects" in drops config causes ClassNotFoundException
#355 opened by crevice - 1
Mobspawner group
#356 opened by kylebobert - 1
Could not pass event BlockBreakEvent to OtherDrops v2.8b.596 - LogBlock conflict
#357 opened by CommanderCane - 7
"fixtool" parameter extension
#307 opened by stvncao5 - 5
Adding a PLAYER_LEAVE trigger
#308 opened by ShadedPL - 2
Data Values in drops
#309 opened by Bartor - 1
Random Crashes on drop comand
#310 opened by LanToaster - 2
Colour codes in lore do not work
#311 opened by Cirom - 0
Lightning Strikes
#313 opened by Fedgar - 2
[feature] Parameter like "spawnedby" for blocks.
#312 opened by krisukun - 0
[Dev] Investigate self-registering action & condition classes
#314 opened by Zarius - 0
Tool-Attribution Parameter
#315 opened by stvncao5 - 0
.radius addition on victim instead of attacker
#316 opened by rePewtr - 1
A way to ensure only one drop from dropgroups
#317 opened by rePewtr - 0
Mobs Dropping Held Items
#318 opened by BMWBrandon - 0
Issues with Displaying money% in 2.8-beta
#319 opened by DarthMarkain - 0
[Feature Request] EXP drop based damage
#320 opened by dewobedil - 3
prism integration not working
#321 opened by anovickis - 0
Parameter for a Specific Phrase in LoreText
#323 opened by LanToaster - 4
Unsure of error?
#324 opened by TwotailsTikat - 1
damage.attacker:1 is not working.
#325 opened by Exoaria - 0
[JOBS] Bug and other thing
#322 opened by lukaszf44 - 0
mobs droping 2x amount of items
#326 opened by jsimmons10 - 2
Issue Console Command as Drop
#327 opened by kev3200 - 0
MONEY_DROP won't drop
#328 opened by zerafox - 0
ADD new condition player level
#329 opened by dewobedil - 0
McMMO Treefeller Hindered
#330 opened by zerafox - 3
message.radius not working properly
#331 opened by zerafox - 3
[2.8b.573] Aliases: java.lang.NullPointerException using aliases making more than 1 drop
#332 opened by h3oCharles - 0
"Wear-Armour" Condition-Parameter
#333 opened by stvncao5 - 0
#334 opened by mibac138 - 6
Other Drops Help
#335 opened - 1
Custom name drop problem
#336 opened by Kaaji