


Hipster Mona Lisa

Hipster carpet

General information

Did you always want to be an artist in Minecraft but you didn't know how to build?

Would you like to impress guests on your server with your hipster Mona Lisa or your fancy 16th-century carpet?

Then Paintings! is the perfect plugin for you!

It gives you the ability to load every picture in the game, and you don't have to do anything!

How it works

To install Paintings!, all you need to do is follow those steps:

  1. Download the plugin.
  1. Drag and drop it into your plugins folder.
  1. Restart your server. That's it! Now as you can see, a new folder Paintings! will be created. Inside that folder, you will find another folder called Paintings

To install a painting do the following:

  1. Download a copyright free picture, you don't want to get sued by anybody ;)
  1. Make sure that it is a .png picture, else convert it. The plugin will support more file types in the official release
  1. Drag and drop the picture into the folder and reload your server. That's it

Load a painting

Now to load the picture in-game you need to do the following:

  1. Have at least one installed picture in the folder.
  1. Have the right permissions to build and place paintings.
  1. Take a painting item in your hand. Click left on the block on which you would like the painting's left bottom to be. Click now right in the direction in which you want the painting to be build. Be careful, diagonal paintings don't look good so make sure to stay either on the same x-axis or the same y-axis as the left block you clicked.
  1. Now type the command /painting place <nameOfYourPainting>.
  1. If you have enough blocks or you have the right permission, the painting will now build itself!

Save a painting

  1. To save a painting you will need an item frame in your hand!
  1. Click the left bound of the painting and then the right bound with a left and right click.
  1. Type /paintings save <nameOfThePainting> but make sure the name is not used yet!
  1. Check your paintings folder: The painting should be added now

Sometimes it might happen that the pixels glitch through the program and that the image is rotated. In the next build that will be fixed, but until then please be patient!


The painting command is the following: /paintings place <name> [flat] [complex], save <name>, list

To make it easy for you, it is tab-complete!

  • <name> will be the name of the painting in the Paintings folder or the name under which the painting will be saved.
  • [flat] will be either true or false, but it is not needed. It determines if you want a flat painting, like a carpet.
  • [complex] will define if your painting is complex or basic. More complex paintings will need different wool types and might look better, but might look worse. It is not needed either and the default is false.


  • Paintings.selectPainting: Will allow you to select the left/right location with a painting in your hand.
  • Paintings.placePainting: Will allow you to place a painting.
  • Paintings.savePainting: Will allow you to save a selected area of blocks as a painting.
  • Paintings.listPaintings: Will allow you to see the list of all existing paintings.
  • Paintings.freePaintings: You won't need blocks anymore to build the painting.
  • Paintings.*: All the permission at once.


This is a release build! Some functions might not be working correctly or might not be implemented yet! Please report any bugs per private message or in the comments

An updated version of the file reader will be released soon!

author: whereisthemonkey

name: Paintings!

version: 1.1