== PandasLaunchPad v2.0 ==
Minecraft Version: 1.9.4
=== Information ===
PandasLaunchPad is a plugin which lets you launch a player into the air when you step on a certain block which you are able to set yourself.
=== Features ===
You can set the launch block which is the block you stand on to launch you. (Default is the gold block)
You can set the activate block which is the block that goes under the launch block to activate the launch block. (Default is bedrock)
You can set the launch amount which is the amount of launch you get when you step on the launch block. (Default is 4)
=== Commands ===
/plp - Displays the version number.
/plp help - Displays the help page for the plugin.
/plp setLaunchAmount <Amount> - This sets how far you get launched. (Default is 4)
/plp setLaunchBlock <BlockID> - This is the block you stand on to get launched. Must be block id. (Default is 41 (Golden Block)).
/plp setActivateBlock <BlockID> - This is the block that you place under the launch block to activate it. Must be block id. (Default is 7 (Bedrock)).
/plp allowFallDamage <true|false> True: Allows player to take fall damage after using the pad. False: Makes player take no fall damage after using the pad.
=== Permissions ===
Note: If you are an op all these commands will work.
pandasLaunchPad.canUse - Access to use the launch pad. (If this is not applied it wont work when you step on the block)
pandasLaunchPad.help - Access to use /plp help
pandasLaunchPad.canSetLaunchAmount - Access to use /plp setLaunchAmount <Amount>
pandasLaunchPad.canSetLaunchBlock - Access to use /plp setLaunchBlock <BlockID>
pandasLaunchPad.canSetActivateBlock - Access to use /plp setActivateBlock <BlockID>
pandasLaunchPad.canSetFallDamage - Access to use /plp allowFallDamage <true|false>
pandasLaunchPad.canCreate - Access to create the launch pad. [Operators will have it automatically]
=== Feel Free ===
To comment on what to add to this plugin.
If you are using this plugin put your server ip in the comments and I'll have a look at your server when i'm free.