Paragon means A model of excellence or perfection and I made that statement abrade onto wool. Now why would one want this? The easiest answer would be "Because" or "Why not?". Reluctantly I am not going to make this that easy. See this is my second plugin that I made and this one is meant to be helpful to a slight amount of servers in the Minecraft community. Most server operators don't want their users to have unlimited access to every kind of wool for pixel art, so this plugin will require you to have just the wool before you exchange your's for the desired block. For those who like to tinker, but not leach, you can view the source code from inside the jar.
Here is how this works. Simply paste the .jar file inside your plugins folder, the run minecraft. It really is that simple. Then just do the commands.
- /wool list
- Displays the list of colors
- /wool blue
- trades your wool block for a blue one.
- paragonwool.use
- Allows the player/group to use the plugin.
- paragonwool.*
- Allows the player/group to access all the colors.
- paragonwool.white
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- paragonwool.magenta
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- paragonwool.aqua
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- paragonwool.yellow
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- paragonwool.lime_green
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- paragonwool.gray
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- paragonwool.light_gray
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- paragonwool.cyan
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- paragonwool.purple
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- paragonwool.brown
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- Allows the player/group to receive this color.
- paragonwool.divined
- Allows the player/group to receive this color (special ordinary White) wool.
Configuration File (default)
usepermissions: true
- Change any wool to any other type.
- Permissions
Future Features
- Economy
- Purchase directly from the server.
- Set a fee for each block exchanged.
- Config file will allow which colors are available
and a permission for each one.
Version 1.2 (Current)
- Updated to craftbukkit-1.7.2-R0.3
- Completed permissions.
Version 1
- Rebuilt to Craftbukkit-1.5.1
Version 0.2
- Fixed grammar error.
- Added Source into the plugin's jar file.
Version 0.1
- Release