Support HuskHomes for /back command
nhanledev opened this issue · 2 comments
I am using Parties (Bungeecord) for party home and HuskHomes for cross-server teleporting features such as tpa, spawn, back, etc. One major issue when pairing the two plugin is that the player cannot /back to the correct last location after teleporting to the party home.
I think this need a support from Parties to call HuskHome to save player position.
What do you think?
I like the idea to support it for Bungee/Velocity servers, I think that on a plain Bukkit server it should already catch the teleport event and update the last location of the player but in a network teleport it won't know where the player is coming from.
I am preparing a PR for that plugin to expose setUserLastPosition then hook into it for the next release :)