- 1
Allow to use displayName as name in party chat
#147 opened by bram-pkg - 23
Messages in party chat is getting picked up by DiscordSRV
#241 opened by GrimPlayzs - 11
How to use Parties API to support player nicknames?
#158 opened by kangarko - 1
Error in console when displaying messages (player) has joined a party.
#165 opened by GEADR - 5
Offline players can't be removed
#163 opened by tommasobenatti - 12
Cannot save parties home
#169 opened by waiching514 - 0
[Doubt] Console error
#166 opened by DeusDrizzyy - 13
Cannot save parties home
#185 opened by waiching514 - 0
Not working with postgresql
#183 opened by DieuHades2 - 4
[Bug Report] /party create is not in /party help
#195 opened by Folas1337 - 4
Possible conflict with PlotSquared
#196 opened by JamesMCL44 - 3
Empty file nullparties.yml
#199 opened by ChrissW-R1 - 1
[Feature Request] Redis Support
#206 opened by DJelly4K - 1
Feature Request and maybe bug fix idk
#211 opened by Klmar - 1
not work with interactive chat
#217 opened by LowScarlet - 2
party.delete() prints error
#218 opened by No1Evil - 1
Party#giveExperience() gives a null pointer
#220 opened by Alexz1008 - 8
Can't initialization the plugin while download library
#227 opened by Mu-cream - 2
Support HuskHomes for /back command
#234 opened by nhanledev - 1
McMMO Party system blocks Parties usage
#236 opened by StevenGoh-YH - 3
Could not pass event EntityDamageByEntityEvent to Parties v3.2.13
#240 opened by VictimOfPing - 8
Conflict with PlotSquare
#47 opened by fmohican - 2
Can't kick offline players from parties
#53 opened by Drc-DEV - 4
/back not supported for the home command.
#55 opened by d00mfish - 2
#57 opened by dushanbe7 - 8
1.15.2 Great tps drop (lastloginapi related)
#61 opened by Drc-DEV - 8
[1.8] Parties giving error on startup
#63 opened by Zenya4 - 1
Party Teleport
#64 opened by ArcticRaven - 1
Is the plugin working on version 1.16 and above?
#65 opened by zientix - 1
#67 opened by YUhyfe - 1
Multiple Rewards
#68 opened by OtakuYuuta - 1
Support for 1.16.4
#69 opened by d00mfish - 1
BukkitPartiesPlayerPostJoinEvent not working
#70 opened by ThePlay3r - 1
Console spam error
#71 opened by DarkChromaMC - 1
Plugin does not enable
#79 opened by zainmz - 1
Permissions bug on bungeecord
#84 opened by BurkenDev - 5
Issues with leaving party to join another.
#87 opened by witchyface - 2
Bug with bedwars 1058
#90 opened by Freyhold - 0
FeatureRequest: Send messages to other parties
#91 opened by networkException - 5
Not all party features are available
#96 opened by b1ued3mon - 7
Party not working in game
#97 opened by b1ued3mon - 1
FeatureRequest: Vault economy syncing
#101 opened by TheBlankSlate - 1
Crashh server
#112 opened by ducdzz61 - 1
Please add Java 16 support
#114 opened by steve4744 - 3
#133 opened by Tylwen - 1
Translateable sub-commands
#134 opened by Inxity - 1
Brazilian portuguese translation links to wrong translation
#135 opened by DoodlesEpic - 1
JavaDoc in the docs links to wrong URL
#137 opened by DoodlesEpic - 1
Velocity Support
#138 opened by Lorenzo0111 - 1
Error at start
#142 opened by LuuckA21