What is PartyChat+?
PartyChat+ is a configurable, easy to use plugin, that allows players to chat with their friends in private parties. Only players within the party and admins are able to see the messages. Nicknames from plugins such as Essentials are supported. Default Minecraft color codes are also supported!
- Unlimited amount of parties
- Unlimited amount of players per party
- Toggleable party chat (just type in chat!)
- Configurable prefix and colors
- Ability to block inappropriate party names
- Small and efficient plugin
- Works in any Minecraft version!
/party - View all PartyChat commands and usage
/party create [party-name] - Creates a party with the given name.
/party add [player] - Invites a player to your party.
/party accept - Accepts the party invite.
/party deny - Denies the party invite.
/party remove [player] - Removes a player from your party (Leader only).
/party leave - Leaves your current party.
/party disband - Disbands the current party (Leader only).
/party promote [player] - Promotes a new player to leader (Leader only).
/party info - Shows party members and the party name.
/partychat Toggles party chat. Alias: /pc
partychat.use - if use-permissions is enabled in the config file (it's not by default) then only players with this permission will be able to use the partychat plugin.
partychat.spy - admin permission that allows staff to view all PartyChat messages on the server.
Default Config File:
#PartyChat by Majekdor | Created on 5/23/2020 #Change the prefix that appears when a PartyChat command is executed party-prefix: "&f[&bParty&eChat&f]" #Change whether or not the plugin blocks inappropriate party names block-inappropriate-names: false #Add words you would like to block here. Make sure you uncomment the lines blocked-names: wordlist: #- blocked #- words #- go #- here #Change the focus color (default color for party names and such) #Be sure to use default minecraft color codes focus-color: "&b" #Change the message color (body text color) message-color: "&7" #Change the error message color error-color: "&c" #Change whether or not the plugin uses permissions #If set to false everyone will have permission to use PartyChat #If set to true only players with the permission partychat.use will be able to use PartyChat use-permissions: false
Need Help?
Message me through discord or bukkit and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible!
If you want to try out the plugin feel free to join play.carefreecraft.net
The plugin is live and each new update will be tested there before release.