

Patroller is a new plugin to help server admins keep an eye on their players.When an admin uses /patrol, they will be teleported to the first player. After 5 seconds they will be teleported to the next one, and so on until all players are patrolled.

How to install

  1. Download the .jar file
  2. Put it in your plugins/ folder
  3. Start the server, or reload if it's already running



How to use

Just type /patrol in chat!


Can patrol
Will not be patrolled

Permissions Plugins

Uses the WEPIF API so plugin REQUIRES WorldEdit.

WEPIF supports plugins in this order:

  1. DinnerPerms (Bukkit permissions API)
  2. Permissions plugin
  3. PermissionsEx plugin
  4. A plugin that implements com.sk89q.bukkit.migration.PermissionsProvider
  5. Flat file permissions (built-in)
  6. Configuration permissions (built-in)

So Patroller supports these plugins too.

Changing command

In case you want another plugin to have the /patrol command (or other commands), and have Patroller have another command, you can to this:

  1. Rename Patroller.jar to
  2. Open the .zip file
  3. Open plugin.yml with Notepad
  4. Add a command under the aliases section of the command
  5. Save plugin.yml
  6. Rename to Patroller.jar

To-do list

  • Add returning to original location after patrolling
  • Add vanishing when patrolling