

PayForAccess - Let players pay to get access

Awesome! Woohoo over 2k downloads! New version 1.2.1 is out! Update coming soon!

Github Source code - Visit the feature request document to see what I am working on

What is it doing?

This plugin let users pay to get access to WorldGuard regions. For example: You have a region (like on a RPG-Server) you want the users to pay for to get the access for it. Just place a button on the wall (you can change the block type in the configuration file) and define it as a trigger. If a player clicks on the button he will buy access to the linked region if he has enough money.

What do I need?

Required plugins are WorldGuard and Vault for region and economy integration. For the regions you just have to define them with WorldGuard.

How to create a paid region

First of you need a WorldGuard region. If you don't have one, select an areas with the WorldEdit wand and define it as a region via the "/region define <region>" command. The next step is already the last one: just place a button on the wall, look at it and use the "/pfa create <name> <price> [region]" command. Name is a unique name for the button, price is the money the user has to pay, region is the name of the region the user will get access to. using the add effect command you also can now add permission and user groups!

For more information on how to edit regions and the permissions visit the Commands and Permissions page


This quick tutorial was made by me in 15 mins - so please don't bother me with comments about the visual quality ;)