

This plugin is under developing. Some more complicated features are going to be added soon.


Entry a location by purchasing. At the moment the player can teleport if he hits a [Paypassage] sign. Than the plugin asks the player wheather he wants to purchase the access to this location. If the player accepts, the plugin teleport the player to a teleport point. Cost and location are saved. Also there a statistics e.g. how many user purchased the access and how often they purchased, so every owner, or an user with the permission is able to view this statitic.

This Page in German

Commands and Permissions

Commandpermission nodedescription
/pp reloadPaypassage.reloadAllows the user to reload the plugin while the server is running
/pp allowtrackingPaypassage.userUser allows the plugin to save userdata
/pp denytrackingPaypassage.userUser denies the plugin to save userdata
/pp helpPaypassage.helpShows the Helpsite
/pp versionPaypassage.versionshows the Current Version
/pp create [sign name]Paypassage.createCreates an PaypassageSign
/pp cancelPaypassage.createStops the creating of a PP sign
/pp confirmPaypassage.teleportConfirms a teleport request
/pp setdestinationPaypassage.createSets destination of a Paypassage sign
/pp setpricePaypassage.createSets the price of the sign

... more Commands comming soon!

Other Permissions:

permission nodedescription
Paypassage.reloadAllows the user to reload the plugin while the server is running
Paypassage.userProvides all "user" permissions, like to change privacy settings and some other things, not sure what is comming soon ;)
Paypassage.teleportGives the player the permission to use a Paypassage sign
Paypassage.adminAdmin can destroy every Paypassage sign


  • Economy:
    At least one economy plugin that is supported by Vault !link! or iConomy5 or iConomy6.
  • Permissions:
    • PermissionsEx
    • GroupManager
    • bPermissions
    • any plugin with superbridge support .


Languages are managed by a configurationfile.
By default English and German ones are aviable, but feel free to translate and to support us.



We are using our own bugtracker. It collects data that servers sent to us.

  • Data:
    • Version of the bukkit server
    • Version of the plugin
    • Stacktrace
    • Debuglog

Every server can choose wheather the bugtracker should be enabled.


  • Debuglog:
    If the feature is enabled in the "config.yml", there plugin asks the user whether the plugin is allowed to save some userdata.
    • allow "/pp allowtracking"
    • deny "/pp denytracking"
  • Metrics:
    Metrics is a webservice, developted by Hydendra, that manage statistics like google analytics, but the data is complete public and made anonymous.