This plug-in allows users to self-promote themselves to a provided static set of "ranks" using money.
Administrators can also promote/demote and specifically assign any of the defined ranks to a user at any time without taking their money.
A "rank" is defined as a group and you can have as many of them as you like. Each "rank" allows you to define the price, display name of the rank and the required group it will be using. PayRank also provides simple chat colouring and formatting that can be configured to each rank.
Simply drag and drop the plugin into your Plugins folder. Optional configurations are avaliable:
Feel free to leave a DETAILED comment describing the problem, the steps you take to re-create the problem, the result you got, and the result you EXPECTED to get on my BukkitDev page (see below). If you do that I'll be sure to reply back and take a look at the bug.
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