



Every server owner's been there. You have a really annoying player that's swearing like there's no tomorrow in chat. You could always mute him or even deal out a ban, but that means one less player on your server. PCAP eases the headache on your players and admins. PCAP is fully configurable, allowing you to set up your own list of banned words (the "redlist") and even if the highly accurate algorithm fails, you can also create a "greenlist" for exact words to be allowed. PCAP works with all major chat plugins, including EssentialsX, but can work on its own as well.


1. Download PCAP and place it in your plugins folder.

2. Run your server. PCAP should generate a sample configuration.

3. Edit the configuration to your heart's content.

4. Restart your server.

5. Enjoy your filtered chat!

PCAP currently has no commands, but you can expect some to be added soon to remotely modify the config and reload the filter.

PCAP also has now permissions, but will soon have some for bypassing the filter and for editing the config.

This plugin is dedicated to all the owls out there.