

This is phliptrip's basic commands for servers.  Long and short is, the bukkit commands are woefully pathetic and lacking in functionality and most of the plugins out there that have better commands are massively bloated and come with far to much stuff for the servers i admin on.  This plugin will attempt to be the grey area between the two.  I will likely break this up into a few jar files to make it easy to remove what functionally you don't feel is needed without excessive use of permissions.  We'll attempt to support a broad set of superperms systems (pex, bp, pb, etc.)

< signifies a required argument >
[ signifies an optional argument ]
| signifies OR
& signifies AND
! signifies NOT
[...] additional arguments of last normal argument type
(xxx) short form of command

/summon [-a] [player] [...] (sum)
  description: summons someone to your location
  permissions nodes: pcommand.summon, pcommand.summon.all
  /summon = lists usage
  /summon -a = summons everyone to you
  /summon player = summons player to you
  /summon player player2 = summons player and player2 to you

/teleport [-a] [-w] [player|waypoint] (tp)
  description: teleports you to someone else's location
  permissions nodes: pcommand.teleport, pcommand.teleport.all, pcommand.teleport.waypoint, pcommand.teleport.waypoint.all
  /teleport = lists usage
  /teleport player = teleports everyone to the player
  /teleport -w waypoint = teleports user to waypoint
  /teleport -a player = teleports everyone to the player
  /teleport -a -w = teleports everyone to the waypoint

/create [item] [#] [player] [...] (cr)
  description: creates items from nothing
  permissions nodes: pcommand.create (self only),  pcommand.create.other
  /create = lists usage
  /create item = gives 1 of non-stacking items, gives MAX stack of stacking items to you.
  /create item player = gives 1 of non-stacking items, gives MAX stack of stacking items to player.
  /create item player player2 = gives 1 of non-stacking items, gives MAX stack of stacking items to player and player2
  /create item ## = gives ## of item to you
  /create item ## player = gives ## of item to player
  /create item ## player player2 = gives ## of item to player and player2
  note: all /create commands attempt to place item into inventory, if inventory is full drop the remainder on ground.

/ban [-i|a] [player] [...]
  description: bans a player from the server
  permissions nodes: pcommand.ban
  /ban = lists usage
  /ban -i player = bans player by currently connected ip address
  /ban -i player player2 = bans player and player2 by currently connected ip address
  /ban player = bans player by currently connected name
  /ban player player2 = bans player and player2  by currently connected name
  /ban -a player = bans player by currently connected ip address and username
  /ban -a player player2 = bans player and player2 by currently connected ip address and username

/unban [-i|a] [player] [...] (ub)
  description: unbans a player from the server
  permissions nodes: pcommand.unban
  /unban = lists usage
  /unban -i player = unbans player by currently connected ip address
  /unban -i player player2 = unbans player and player2 by currently connected ip address
  /unban player = unbans player by currently connected name
  /unban player player2 = unbans player and player2  by currently connected name
  /unban -a player = unbans player by currently connected ip address and username
  /unban -a player player2 = unbans player and player2 by currently connected ip address and username

/kick [player] [...] (ki)
  description: disconnects a player from the server
  permissions nodes: pcommand.kick
  /kick = lists usage
  /kick player = kicks player from server
  /kick player player2 = kicks player and player2 from server

/slay [-c] [player] [...] (sl)
  description: kills the player but retains inventory unless marked to clear it.
  permissions nodes: pcommand.slay, pcommand.slay.wipe
  /slay = lists usage
  /slay player = kills player
  /slay player player2 = kills player and player2
  /slay -c player = kills player and wipes inventory entirely
  /slay -c player player2 = kills player and player2 and wipes inventory entirely

/wipe [player] [...] (wi)
  description: wipes the inventory of the specified player
  permissions nodes: pcommand.wipe (self only), pcommand.wipe.other
  /wipe = lists usage
  /wipe player = clears the inventory of player
  /wipe player player2 = wipes both player and player2's inventory

/terminate [player] [...]
  description: when you really want them gone. forever.
  permissions nodes: pcommand.terminate
  /terminate = lists usage
  /terminate player = in order, wipes inventory, sets home/spawn point in void, bans them by name and ip, slays them, and then kicks player from server.
  /terminate player player2 = in order, wipes inventory, sets home/spawn point in void, bans them by name and ip, slays them, and then kicks player and player2 from server.