This plugin lets your players make worlds. They can choose the world type and can have their friends join them for some co-op fun!
This plugin supports custom world generators like
Each world is currently at 400x400 blocks, but this can be changed in the config. By default each world is about 10 mb in size.
Generators I know work!
- Clean up/slim down code
- Get bugs to fix
- Find things people want me to add
Currently there are different 5 arguments and one command. The main command is "pw" and its arguments are help, tp, add [or] create, generator, delete. All of the arguments are explained with "/pw help".
How to help
- If you find a bug than report it.
- After this project is done you may donate and buy me hot-wings \o/ .
Here is a list of all permissions:
- PersonalWorlds.add
- PersonalWorlds.delete
- PersonalWorlds.generator
Any generators you want players want to have you must give them a permissions in this format
- PersonalWorlds.generators. + the generator name.
- Within the PersonalWorlds plugin you can give an owner and guests of a world permissions that you set in the config. The permissions are granted on entering and removed on leaving a world.
- NodexServers