Have you ever wanted to remove Entities only in certain worlds?, Well now you can! With this plugin almost everything can be configured to suit your needs for your server. Wanting to have a World for a plugin like "Mob Arena" but don't want the mobs to be removed? Well this is the plugin for you!
This plugin also registers what version of bukkit you have and assigns the appropriate entities!
Download the jar from the files page and put it plugins directory. Then start/restart your server, the plugin will generate the config and will include all loaded worlds. By default all worlds are disabled, to enable the world you will have to either go into config and enabled the world then /wl reload or do /wl toggle <worldname> .
Config can be found here.
Each world generates its own config
An example of which can be found here
World config
Commands and permissions can be found here.
Commands and Permissions
Should work with all versions of bukkit back to 1.2.5.
To Do
Please ask and I will try and add it in.
Check out my other plugins for more great features!