This plugin saves homes data into a each player <uuid>.yml file in a folder "userdata" inside the directory plugin folder.
PerWorldHomes plugin came up because there is not any plugin that support homes by worlds groups. This plugin its perfect for a server that prettends to be/act like a network or have different modalities
● Import your homes from Essentials
● Allows players to set, delete, see, and teleport to their homes
● Allows admins to set, delete, see, and teleport to other players homes
○ Can set global homes
● You can convert your global homes to shareds across worlds later with /pwh convert
● Can set homes shareds across worlds (Groups related worlds together)
○ If a world is not listed on config and per-world-homes is on true, then will have their own homes data
● Set max homes per worlds and per player groups
○ On first time enabled the plugin automatically setup all your server player groups on config with 1 max home by default if you have Vault
● Economy support NEW! 2.1
○ A economy plugin depending on Vault is needed.
● Before teleport to homes checks if your homes location is safe NEW! 2.1
○ When a home location is unsafe will block teleport to avoid players diying or will teleport anyways if teleport-unsafe-locations is enabled.
● Configurable /home and /homes GUI NEW! 2.0
● Customizable max length home name
● Customizable command cooldown
● Customizable delay before being teleported
● Customizable messages
● Tab completer for /home NEW! 1.8
● Full UUID Support
● Download PerWorldHomes.
● Shut down your server.
● Move PerWorldHomes.jar to your server plugins folder.
● Start the server and let the plugins generate config files.
● Shut down again the server.
● Change settings, messages and values from config files.
● Start your server again
● Done
CommandsUser commands
● /sethome <home>
● /delhome <home>
● /home (opens GUI if is enabled)
● /home <home>
● /homes
Admin Commands
● /sethome <player> <home>
● /delhome <player> <home>
● /home <player> (opens GUI if is enabled and if player is online)
● /home <player> <home>
● /homes <player>
● /pwh help
● /pwh version
● /pwh reload
● /pwh convert (Only console command)
○ Convert all players global homes to per world groups
● /pwh import (Only console command)
○ Import all homes from Essentials.
● pwh.users
○ pwh.sethome
■ Allow acces to command /sethome <home>
○ pwh.delhome
■ Allow acces to command /delhome <home>
○ pwh.home
■ Allow acces to command /home <home>
■ Allow acces to command /homes
● pwh.admin
○ pwh.sethome.others
■ Allow acces to command /sethome <player> <home>
○ pwh.delhome.others
■ Allow acces to command /delhome <player> <home>
○ pwh.home.others
■ Allow acces to command /home <player> <home>
■ Allow acces to command /homes <player>
○ pwh.main
■ Allow acces to command /pwh help
■ Allow acces to command /pwh version
■ Allow acces to command /pwh reload
● pwh.teleport.delay.bypass
○ Allow bypass the teleport delay.
● pwh.teleport.move.bypass
○ Allows to move while you are being telported.
● pwh.command.cooldown.bypass
○ Allows to bypass the command cooldown.
● pwh.*
○ Allow access to all PerWorldHomes commands and permissions.
# +----------------------------------------------------+ # < PerWorldHomes > # < By KechuFonzo > # +----------------------------------------------------+ # Allows op players to set unlimited homes. op-unlimited-homes: true # Set the max length for the home names. max-home-name-length: 16 # Economy will not affects admin commands. # delhome-refound means if on /delhome command # the player should returns his money back. economy: enabled: false sethome: 0.0 home: 0.0 delhome-refound: false delhome-giveback: 0.0 # Affects /home command, Time on seconds 0 = no delay. teleport-delay: 3 # Affects /sethome, /home and /delhome # Time its on seconds, 0 = no cooldown. cmd-cooldown: 3 # Unsafe location is a location that is dangerous # for players because lava or could soffocate. # This affects /sethome and /home allow-unsafe-locations: false # Open a menu with your homes when /home. home-gui: false # Max homes per player group for each world group. # The max homes are managed by your worlds groups # and your own server player groups. max-homes: global: default: 1 # If true then homes data will be saved by worlds groups. # If false then homes will be saved as global. per-world-homes: false # Groups of worlds that will share the homes data. # All worlds not listed will have their own data if # per-world-homes is on true. groups: group1: worlds: - world1 - world2 group2: worlds: - world3 - world4 # Checks if there is a new version available. version-checker: true # Auto-update config/messages/gui.yml files files-auto-update: true # Your config version. Do not touch this! config-version: 1.0
- '&6-----PerWorldHomes-----'
- '&f/pwh help'
- '&f/pwh version'
- '&f/pwh reload'
- '&f/pwh convert'
- '&f/pwh import'
version: '&aYou are using PerWorldHomes %version%.'
reload: '&aPlugin files have been reloaded.'
no-permission: '&4You dont have permission to execute this command!'
only-players: '&cOnly players may execute this command.'
only-console: '&cOnly console may execute this command.'
cmd-cooldown: '&cYou need to wait %sec-left% seconds before using this command!'
teleport-delay: '&cYou will be teleported on %sec-left% seconds! Please dont move.'
teleport-cancel: '&cYou moved! Teletransportation canceled!'
already-exist: '&cYou already have a home with that name!'
reach-max: '&aYou have reached the max homes allowed for your rank!'
exceed-length: '&cThe max length for name is %max-length%!'
no-money: '&cYou dont have enough money! Price: %cost%'
payed-money: '&c$%cost% have been removed from your balance'
not-safe: '&cYou cant set a home in unsafe locations!'
success: '&aYour home has been successfully set!'
usage: '&cUsage: /sethome <home>'
not-online: '&c%player% is not online!'
already-exist: '&c%player% already have a home with that name!'
success: '&a%player% home has been successfully set!'
reach-max: '&a%player% have reached the max homes allowed for his rank!'
not-exist: '&cYou dont have a home with that name!'
success: '&aYour home has been deleted!'
refound-money: '&c$%refound% have been added to your balance'
usage: '&cUsage: /delhome <home>'
not-online: '&c%player% is not online!'
not-exist: '&c%player% dont have a home with that name!'
success: '&%player% home has been deleted!'
not-exist: '&cThat home doesnt exist!'
no-money: '&cYou dont have enough money! Price: %cost%'
not-safe: '&cYour home location has been corrupted and isnt safe!'
success: '&aSuccessfully teleported!'
payed-money: '&c$%cost% have been removed from your balance'
usage: '&cUsage: /home <home>'
not-online: '&c%player% is not online!'
not-exist: '&c%player% dont have a home with that name!'
no-homes: '&cYou dont have homes!'
list: '&aYour homes: &f'
usage: '&cUsage: /homes'
not-online: '&c%player% is not online!'
no-homes: '&c%player% dont have homes!'
list: '&a%player% homes: &f'
messages-version: 1.0
gui-title: '&2Home GUI' home-item: id: BED name-color: '&6' lore: - '&aX:&f %cord-x%' - '&aY:&f %cord-y%' - '&aZ:&f %cord-z%' - '&aWorld:&f %world%' next-item: id: PAPER name: '&aNext Page &e->' previous-item: id: PAPER name: '&e<- &aPrevious Page' quit-item: id: BARRIER name: '&4Close' gui-version: 1.0
● Why /back isnt working propperly since i installed the plugin?
○ This happens because you are using essentials /back command, and have on false the option register-back-in-listener of essentials config.
● About /pwh import
○ /pwh import will import the homes of each players, only if they dont have homes setted by perworldhomes and if they have Essentials homes
● Do you have discord?
○ Yes, my DiscordID is kechufonzo#9197.
I have spent many hours making PerWorldHomes. if you want to support me, leave a review, or give me a little tip to cheer me up and
motivate me to keep updating this resource.
Disclaimer: This plugin could contain bugs, if you find one please report it in discussion section, or pm me.