== Description ==
Self-explaining, isn't it? Each world has its own tablist, so players can't see players that are in other worlds. You can define groups of worlds so those worlds share a combined tablist.
Spanish video tutorial by maxmar628:
== Getting started ==
- Place the PerWorldTablist.jar file in your plugins directory.
- Reload/Restart/Start your server.
- Handle your permissions.
- Have fun!
== Commands and Permissions ==
Command | Function | Permission |
/pwtl <reload> | Reloads PerWorldTablist | pwtl.reload |
/pwtl <list/glist> | Shows a list of all players that are in your world/on the server | pwtl.list/pwtl.glist |
Players with this permission will see all players | pwtl.exempt |
Aliases for pwtl
- /perworldtablist
- /perworldtab
- /pwt
== Configuration ==
The configuration is self-explaining.
== Compatibility ==
This plugin should break several vanish-plugins,
because it shows/hides you/other players when u change the world.
Compatible vanish-plugins:
== Support ==
Please message me if you have any issues.
== To-Do ==
Please post any other ideas you have in the comments below.
(Don't post stack traces into the comments. I will delete them!!)