What does it do?
This plugin will inform players when a player joins or leaves the world they are currently in. This will only happen in that specific world. A server join message will also be broadcast, only in the world where the player joins. The same applies for leave messages. There is also an option to broadcast a first world/server join message. The messages are fully customizable, there is also an option to make the join/leave messages be broadcasted globally.
The configuration file will by default look like this:
#For these messages you can also use {WORLD} to get the name of the joined or left world, WORLD2 is only supported for global messages join-message: "&9%PLAYER% joined this world!" leave-message: "&9%PLAYER% left this world!" first-join-message: "&9%PLAYER% joined this world for the first time!" join-server-message: "&9%PLAYER% joined the game!" leave-server-message: "&9%PLAYER% left the game!" first-server-join-message: "&9%PLAYER% joined the server for the first time!" global-message: "&9%PLAYER% joined %WORLD%, leaving %WORLD2%!" global-first-join-message: "&9%PLAYER% joined %WORLD% for the first time!" global-first-join-server-message: "&9Welcome %PLAYER% to the server!" #If you don't know what this does leave the defaults broadcast-globally: false error-broadcast: true first-join-server-message: true first-join-world-message: true #World grouping will make that messages for player world joins (so also # first join messages) will be broadcasted in world_nether and world_the_end. # If world grouping is enabled, player join messages will be broadcasted to all players in world, world_nether and world_the_end, # where 'world' is of course the name of the world. # If world grouping is not enabled, old behaviour will be used. world-grouping: true
#Will suppress join/messages when moving between nether/overworld, end/overworld, vice verse
world-grouping-suppress-nether-end: true
These values are all self explanatory.
World grouping
Since version 1.2.0 the plugin also contains a feature called world grouping. This feature will group certain world together, so that means that world, world_nether and world_the_end are grouped together. If world grouping is enabled and global messages are disabled. Join/Leave world/server and first join messages will be broadcasted in the worlds that are grouped together.
The plugin currently only has one command: /pwwtoggle. This command will toggle the functionality of the plugin. This means that all sorts of messages will be disabled. When the functionality is turned on again, the config files will be loaded again.
This plugin has two permissions:
- perworldwelcome.receiveerrors: This permission will inform the permitted players about errors when loading. This will happen when this player joins.
- perworldwelcome.toggle: This permission will allow the permitted player to toggle the functionality of the plugin on or off, as described in the command reference.
What's in the works?
We are currently working on expanding the functionality of this plugin even further, which will include making everything less 'global'. This will include functionality to limit death messages to only one world. The same goes for all messages that are broadcasted server wide according to vanilla behaviour.
For the changes in each version, take a look at the changelog.
You can find the source on github.