Phantom Waypoints

Phantom Waypoints


About Phantom Waypoints

Phantom Waypoints allows for a quick and easy method of transportation across worlds, including across dimensions. The key part of Phantom Waypoints is the discovery system built into the plugin. Players must first discover the waypoint in order to teleport using the plugin. The player must also be near a waypoint to use the teleport functionality, further increasing the RPG factor. The plugin was designed to facilitate quick and easy transport while not being too overpowered. 

Getting Started

1) Place Phantom Waypoints into the plugin directory of the server

2) Start your server and login to begin setting up your waypoints

3) Find the location you would like your first waypoint to be located. Stand where you would like the waypoint to be, facing the direction you want players to teleport to when they use the waypoint. 

4) Use the command '/pwaypoint add [Name]' to create a waypoint with the given name. Now, whenever players walk over the block the waypoint was placed at, they will Discover the waypoint and be presented with the menu to teleport to other known waypoints

5)  Create a second waypoint and now you have a fully functional waypoint 'network'

Key Commands

/pwaypoint add [Name]

 Adds a waypoint at the player's position with the given name. Reserved for Operators only.

/pwaypoint remove [Name]

 Removes a waypoint with the given name. Reserved for Operators only.

/pwaypoint reveal

Adds all waypoints to the command caster's discovered list. Reserved for Operators only.

/pwaypoint save

Forces the server to save the waypoint data in memory to their storage files.

Planned Additions

- Configuration options to allow for customization and better integration into your server

- Optional Cost to teleport. (I.E, 1 xp level per teleport)

- Optional Protection around the waypoint to stop griefing of structures