




PhaseShift allots for a variety of teleport uses such as;

  • Setting a custom home point in a world
  • Teleporting back to said home point
  • Allowing players to teleport to one another without needing to grant core Bukkit admin.
  • Allows users to create and remove their own meeting places to teleport to; such as a town location, home, or out in the middle of no where.
  • Supports multiple worlds and even allows you to teleport between them.
  • Allows for Economy for teleporting purposes.

Intended Uses

  • Allow for lightweight maneuvering between worlds.
  • Allow even the most A-Social players a chance to set up meeting places to show off the wonders they've built.
  • Allow for trusted players to have the ability to help out new comers to a server by giving them the ability to go to the player as needed.

Phase Shift not only allows you to port between the worlds on your server, but also remembers where you where when you ported away, that way if you discovered an awesome Diamond mine in World "A" and want to go to World "B", when you return to World "A" you will return to your last known spot!!! (the place you left from to go to World "B")

Phase shift is Always being tweaked, but is ready for your use! Please feel free to post any comments / concerns / suggestions and they will be taken in for consideration.


List of Commands and Permissions:

By Default all permissions are coded as false.
It is up to you to decide who you can trust with with what functions.

Version 1.5

Economy Support

  • Vault is now Soft Dependent
    • Change boolean useEconomy to false if you plan to use no economy


  • Updated Locations.yml for cool down functions
    • Cool Downs are now in their own category and effect cross-world

Additional Commands

  • Added /phaseReload
    • Allows admin to reload the config files for PhaseShift from in game.

Errors Fixed Corrected issue where PhaseShift didn't properly handle currency issues. PhaseShift will now function properly if you have removed Vault, but will not use your economy plugin.

Still to be implemented

Optional Over Ride Pricing set for separate locations