

Flying pigs - fiction... or fact?

Flying Pig!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, the time has come! I bet you never thought you would see the day when... pigs CAN fly! Yessir! This plugin allows players to saddle pigs and jump on 'em for a ride!

v1.4.6 - Released!
PiggyPilot is back and better then ever! After a few minor tweaks, and some code cleaning up Piggy Pilot is back! As requested the only major change has been that the regulate fishing rod to control the pig has been changed to A carrot on a stick . This allows for the pig to be more easily controlled and greater fun! Enjoy this build, expect future updates to be great!
v1.2.5 - Released

Well ladies and gentlemen, to celebrate out 200'th download - yes! 200th! I am releasing a new version of piggy pilot with a longer changelog than all previous releases!


  • New Machine Gun! (Read How-To-Fly)
  • Changed all threads to "synced" tasks, so no more possiblity of world corruption (although there wasn't really one to begin with... much..)
  • You can now edit your config without having to shut down the server. Before it would revert settings if you did so.
  • Prevents users from killing pig by accidently hitting it
  • Better configuration layout
  • Nicer code layout
  • Fixed "payment" message on tnt usage when the cost was $0)
  • 'piggypilot.payingexempt' changed to 'piggypilot.free'
  • New 'piggypilot.machinegun' permissions node

See the respective sections for more information! These sections will get updated ASAP and the new plugin version will get updated ASAP.

How-To-Fly: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/piggypilot/pages/how-to-fly/
Configuration: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/piggypilot/pages/configuration/
Permissions: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/piggypilot/pages/permissions/
Commands: None... YET!

This plugin was originally asked to be developed for Banecraft (mc.banecraft.com), in which I developed it for. So, if you wanna show your appreciation for this plugin, jump on Banecraft and say thanks for the great plugin idea! Note: It was xXTHEPILOTXx who originally came up with this great idea! Thanks Pilot!

Hope you enjoy my flying pigs! Please leave a comment on it's success/failure!


P.S. If you have any problems, please use the ticket manager, please don't post it as a comment.